The crazy life of.. .Well ME!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

shocked I guess...

Apparently a post needs to be made. so if ur reading this, it goes out to you. I LOVE AND APPREICATE EVERYTHING MY DAD DOES FOR ME. and for you to feel like you need protect him is beyond me. Ya i posted about how great andys family is, they are. and they are there for me ALOT but i dont say my dad is not there for me. Its not like i say anything bad about my dad because hes great and im sorry if you feel jelous or the need to post how much he does for us or becca. We understand how much he cares and how theres only so much he can do because hes in california. But i spend everyday with his family, so of course there gonna be there. I love the relationship i have with his family and also the relationship with my own family. I tried to stick up for myself and then for you because I had no idea that blog was toward me. And it shocks me that you would even post something against me after all the good times weve had i guess. Im sorry that you or dad feel maybe inferior to his family, or maybe you feel like we dont care enough. Im actually not sure exactly how you or dad feel but i really believe you should have told ME about this instead of posting it. well if you are reading this, I am rather upset at the fact you would even get in the middle of my dad and our relationship. If he felt upset about soemthing i wrote maybe he should have said soemthing and not you. You need to realize that my dad needs to tell us these things if he wants to have a relationship with us, because hearing it from you is obviously causing issues. Sorry if this comes off kinda rude maybe but it upset me to know that that was geared toward me because of how much I love and appreciate my boyfriends family.

Well enough about that. Schools going well. I met my second graders today who i will be teaching histroy to. there adorable. :o) and I met my fourth graders last week.. and then i am going to working in Andys moms classroom for my special ed classes. Hopefully this semester goes well. alot of planning and teaching. I student teach next fall.yay! And I meet with my advisor in a bout an hour to make sure all the classes i need are in line and im on the right track so some random class doesnt pop up at me and screw everything up haha.. well im off for now.

p.s Happy belated Birthday Becca and Baby James! :O)

Thursday, September 07, 2006

what was i excited for again?.

U know when you get all excited for something to begin? and only 3 days into it, your ready to end it? well i was alll excited about tsrating classes, forgetting about everything that comes with it. Waiting for a parking space for an hour because the school just keeps on enrolling. Sitting in 95 traffic, havent done that in a while, and having to deal with professors that speak english... Good ole' RIC, Bring on my last year!

So tuesday i began classes. I had an 8am class, and an 8am orthodontist appointment. So i go to the dentist assuming ill be out by 8:30, to class by 9 and only an hour late to my 3.5 hour class. Little did i know, im early for the appointment and it takes an hour to tighten my braces (damn broken bracket again) and get elastics, that by the way hurt like hell. i have yet to eat in 3 days now.. i get out around 10ish and head to school. Im driving down 95 and all i see is smoke in the distance.. then a little further up the road i see redlights.. which can only mean traffic. It took me a half hour to get 4 minutes up the highway because there was some sort of car accident and fire, as a gentlemen is getting placed on a stretcher. so i arrive to class at like 1030-11ish, about 15 min before class ends. How fantastic. I decide im going to nap before work, then work at 4. I dont make it 10 minutes into my trvels and im stuck in mini traffic for another car accident as another male, covered in blood, gets taken my an ambulance.. like could my day have gotten any worse you know.

Wed I went to class and had my last day of training. Which is great because im poor and needed to work and make money for myself as opposed to other people. As im walking into work, i drop my coffe on the ground, which can only mean something else is going to happen. Well im about to finish my shift that has been going wonderfully, a dish of blue cheese rolls off an appetizer im putting on a table and lands all over this guys leg.. embarassing? OH YES!

So when i woke up this morning, i figured id be a good day since i had two lousy days.. what was i thinking.. things happen in threes. I leave my loves house to go home and get ready for school when i see a boy riding his bike. he ends up colliding with a car and he jumps off fast enough to only get his tire ran over. the car backs up and the kid keeps going.. then im heading to class and i hear dunkin is having .49 cent coffee. must have missed it because i was charged 2.05.. but whatever. So its like 7:20 and im like this will give me enough time to get to RIC with a half hour to find parking (class was at 8:30. and we couldnt be late because it was already extended from 8-8:30. As im taking 95 south, i dont make it 2 exits down and all i see is red lights. OH YES TRAFFIC AGAIN. but not just morning traffic. 4 car accidents in the center of providence and traffic backed up to mass. So i had to call the professor and tell him i was going to be late a second class in a row, get off o nthe next exit (which took 20 min to get to) and find a way theough pawtucket and summit into prov center and around the back way to RIC. needless to say a 20 min drive (7 min of it on the highway) took me an hour and 45 minutes. Then i get out of class to find a parking violation on my car. Maybe if this school built more parking instead of another dorm people wouldnt park illegally. I pay 5000 a semester and i shouldnt have to wait an hour for a parking space.. grrrrrr....

So needless to say my week has been lousy.. not what i expected it to be at all!.. oh ya and no new car :o( i gotta wait and baby my car because im going to have student loans and crap i guess... poop. .i guess that was wishful thinking. well now that ive ranted forever.. im going to head to bed. up i nthe morning for work. adios.. xoxox